Show reaction statistics on member profiles


Well-known member
Since likes on XF are reactions now. It will be useful addition if each member profile show their reaction statistics. Something similar to what @Luke F's Post ratings add-on does for XF1.

Trophy statistics are also shown on user profiles. So this is something should be included on the core package i felt.


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Upvote 70
It would be great if you also click on those numbers to see who gave those ratings. Would that be possible @Xon?

I'm not convinced that'd be that useful (with thousands of ratings...)

What would be VERY cool is some kind of relationship chord diagram that showed who you interacted with and what ratings you gave them.

I think that's likely way beyond the scope of anything Xon would want to add in though.

It would be great if you also click on those numbers to see who gave those ratings. Would that be possible @Xon?
It does for your own profile, as it links to the "Reactions received" page for the given reaction.

It is just these links don't show for other people as the "Reactions received" doesn't support viewing other people's reactions.
It does for your own profile, as it links to the "Reactions received" page for the given reaction.

It is just these links don't show for other people as the "Reactions received" doesn't support viewing other people's reactions.
But I am questioned by my folks to have a way to see a list of all own given reactions.
It would be so useful to check your given reactions. It could even be used for sorting.
We award trophies and promote users based on reaction received and being able to search for their received reactions could help combat reaction fraud.
It would be great in the core. And further more a widget that display the top 5 posters of the month (week, year, day whatever) based on reactions received.
I'm dreaming i know but why not !!
It would probably be more relevant to show a reactions/messages ratio.
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