XF 1.2 Show our identity


Well-known member
Hello. This is my forum homepage

Schermata 2014-01-10 alle 11.40.22.webp

as you can see the forum logo is on the right. I've choosen to make the navbar fixed and to put the logo on the right to leave more space available for smaller screen and this works without problems.

If I click on New Posts this is the layout

Schermata 2014-01-10 alle 11.40.33.webp

And you can see that there's no logo anywhere.

What I'd like to accomplish is to have also here my logo (reduced) somewhere so that anyone can always see it (note that our logo is just the KOG LUXURY TOURERS and not the other string).

Is it possible to pus a small logo in the top left of all the screens but the forum homepage? I'd like that in the forum homepage the logo is not shown but is shown on all the other views...

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