XF 1.2 Show more of the RSS feeds in the body


Is there a way to show more of an RSS feed in the body of the message.
Right now the message body shows one sentence only and then the "Continue Reading..."

Can I show the first ten lines? The first paragraph? The whole articles?

Thank you
Admin CP search for "RSS" then select the only result available.

I am not sure if that is exactly what you mean, but please try. :)

I did find "Discussion Content RSS Snippet Length" which is set to 500,
But I am still only getting the first sentence of the feed. It's a RSS from Digg.com, do you think it's related to them and not
a Xenforo setting?


I have the same Proplem. I have this News: http://www.gq-magazin.de/leben-als-mann/sport2/sebastian-vettel-titelverteidigung-zum-greifen-nahe but it looks like this: View attachment 56255

I have also changed the RSS-Feed Settings to 1000, 2000, 3000 and 5000...but it doesnt work! Its always the Same, with any new Feed. Please help me & give me a Solution.
Its not broken.

This is how the RSS feed is done by this website.
if you look here

you will see
Titelverteidigung zum Greifen nahe
2013-09-09 11:50
In Monza fuhr Sebastian Vettel ungefährdet seinen sechsten Saisonsieg ein. Der Titel ist ihm kaum noch zu nehmen

which is the exact same content of your RSS feed.
the only way to get more text, is to crawl the RSS feed link, extract more contents and display it at your site, but that needs a lot of more customizations and a (good) developer.
Can anyone tell me if I'm doing anything wrong in importing rss feeds into a forum. I only want to grab like 100 words along with any main image etc. Problem is that it's pulling in the entire blog contents. Is there something besides {content} that I should be using in the feed template? I tried {descripton} and that does fix the problem of pulling in less content but then the image tags dont parse. Here's my template with:

[url="{link}"][b][u]{title}[/u][/b], by [i]{author}[/i][/url]


[url="{link}"]Continue reading...[/url]

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