show in all pages except the login page

If {$contentTemplate} is available to your template then the condition will work. You can test it by pasting {$contentTemplate} into your template to see if it outputs anything.
If {$contentTemplate} is available to your template then the condition will work. You can test it by pasting {$contentTemplate} into your template to see if it outputs anything.
this seem to do half of the trick it works in the login page, but not affective in "" this url appears if you enter any wrong data in the login form.

thank you for the great support by the way
Use this new code:

<xen:if is="{$contentTemplate} != 'login' AND {$contentTemplate} != 'error_with_login'">
I think they should change your title from "Probably knows the answer" to "knows the answer" :D

Now is it also possible to add pages like "/account-confirmation" and/or "lost-password/lost" to the list?

thanks again
Use this syntax to specify a list of pages:

<xen:if is="!in_array({$contentTemplate}, array('login', 'error_with_login', 'register_confirm', 'lost_password'))">
Use this syntax to specify a list of pages:

<xen:if is="!in_array({$contentTemplate}, array('login', 'error_with_login', 'register_confirm', 'lost_password'))">
I love what you did and I'm starting to learn a pattern, but how can i add 'lost_password' in a way that it also include anything within that directory
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