MG 2.2 Sharing an image


Well-known member
I have noticed that a huge change has taken place in the media gallery and there used to be a load of options on how one could share a photo. Now I see that has all gone and I don't really see how this can be done. I noticed the options on the right bottom that should be sharing options, these ones.


When I use the link option and try and share it I seem to get this

I wouldn't call it a bug. These blocks are accessible even if the lightbox is activated but you have to click on this link rather than the image itself.
Agreed, not really a "bug" in the common sense of the word, but it's a piss-poor user UI choice. When you have an experienced admiin having issues with it, and others also... it's a pretty good indicator it could be made friendlier.
VERY few users are going to click on the description below the image name (or image name) to go to yet another page to simply get a link to share the image. One would expect that ability to be available from the actual image display itself. ;)

The whole point it to try to make it easier on the user and not make them jump through hoops to share stuff on your site to hopefully drive more traffic to you!
On the other hand, it would actually be practical to have this block even in the lightbox navigation. Open a suggestion about it, why not?
Probably not a bad idea... who wants to volunteer so we don't have multiple ones opened? It can always be referred back to this thread.
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Suggestion created
This is where i took the link used.

View attachment 273871

And this is the result here.


You can past the link directly to a post to embed an image if it is what he wants.

AND the answer is... if you enable Enable media list lightbox navigation in in the XFMG options, that does NOT show up. This is my same site with it disabled.

Seems this solved the problem, thanks for all the help.

I have been running XF since it was released and only noticed this issue when a member asked me how this is done.
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