XF 2.0 Shared IPs check limit ??


Active member
On the "Spam Management" page there is a setting "Shared IPs check limit", but I'm not sure what this controls.

Is there a feature that checks IPs to see if they're being shared by other members? I'm unaware of any alerts that indicate a member has the same IP as another member.

Any help would be appreciated.
When checking for other users having used the same IP addresses, this control limits the search to the last X days

If you do a search for a user from the AdminCP, you will see several tabs including one called IP addresses, which lists those used by that member:


Now if you click on "More users" it will show you a list of other members who have visited from the same IP within the last X days.

I believe that's what the setting controls.
On my site Shared IPs check limit = 30 days

I don't think that's related to the "More Users" link. When I click that link I see uses listed where the IP was recorded many months ago.
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