Lack of interest Setting to define a board as development install

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New member
When you set up a development install for testing then there are various things to turn off like email and sitemap pings. Sitemaps can be manually be turned off. Email can be turned off (i think) by adding something to the config.php.
It would be convenient to have a setting to set the install as development install and thereby turning off all outside communication and superfluous crons. I suggest a new setting here: /admin.php?options/list/basicBoard
Upvote 4
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I agree with the idea but would suggest that when
$config['development']['enabled'] = true;
it automatically disables emails and sitemap pinging and anything else useful.

I do not think it should be in the admin panel just like debug and development are not in there.
I agree with the idea but would suggest that when
$config['development']['enabled'] = true;
it automatically disables emails and sitemap pinging and anything else useful.
Then how do you propose developers test the email functionality in our modifications? :)

$config['enableMail'] = true;

This would be false by default in the proposed development mode so making it true re-enables mail :D
That would create complexity in the config parsing code; the default is enableMail = true, there is no way of knowing whether that true comes from the default setting or from a config flag without additional if checks.

It also does nothing to simplify things for the user; it still requires another config flag as opposed to us setting enableMail to false :P

In short, it would be introducing the possibility of logic bugs in the config parsing code for absolutely no benefit for the user.

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