XF 1.5 Set custom title as X if posted in node Y


Well-known member
Howdy all, kinda stumped on this query, basiclaly wondering if it possible to run a query to update a users custom tile to x if they have posted in a certain node?
sorted, decided to use it for a custom field

UPDATE xf_user
INNER JOIN xf_post ON xf_post.user_id = xf_user.user_id
INNER JOIN xf_thread ON xf_thread.thread_id = xf_post.thread_id
INNER JOIN xf_node ON xf_node.node_id = xf_thread.node_id
INNER JOIN xf_forum ON xf_forum.node_id = xf_node.node_id
SET xf_user.nudaii_user_key = xf_forum.nudaii_node_key
WHERE  xf_post.user_id = xf_user.user_id
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