Server Load VB > XF & Joomla - Proof Is Everything

? was this a vB suite vs XF plus Joomla.. or vB,Joomla vs XF,Joomla... Either way impressive considering Joomla is pretty clunky to.
This is very impressive. Wow. I've already been recommending xenForo to my clients, now I'm going to refer them to this thread to seal the deal.
I can hear the vBulletin beancounters and cheerleaders say the performance gains are because "xenForo doesn't have all the features vBulletin has" :rolleyes:
The mysql change just blew me away... again, I expected it, and XF didn't let me down.

Now fully converted all my own sites to XF and couldn't be happier!

First off awesome stats, it's great to see a comparison like that, second what program are you using to do your stats and graphs? It's really damn clean.
Wiredtree hosting provide those account stats on servers for resource management.

And now all you need is a graph of the number of posts/time period going up about the same time you switched to xf. :)

Yer... that would be great. I know my stats sat around the 250 - 300 posts daily... I expect to see that go through to thousands daily now...

? was this a vB suite vs XF plus Joomla.. or vB,Joomla vs XF,Joomla... Either way impressive considering Joomla is pretty clunky to.

It was a VB4 suite, NOW... Joomla as the replacement for the CMS + XF.

Waking this morning and looking at the server graph, with 425 online, a massive server resource savings:

vb - xf server 4.webp

The big spike in the middle is when I ran the search cache index last night....

And MySQL is steady as it goes... you can still see the upgrade process, then release... very stable with connections.

vb - xf server 5.webp

vb - xf server 6.webp
Look into Sphinx replacement for the search? It probably will help out big time.
I'm very happy for you. This is great and I can't wait till I move my site over (getting a few mods custom coded for me now).
No... those stats are coming from WiredTree control panel. I upgraded away from ServInt to WiredTree, as ServInt got too expensive at that range for what they offered vs. WiredTree.
Changing my one and only live site from vB4 to XF on January 3, 2011.

I'm so very, very glad XF is as good as it is so we're not stuck where we were at.
My host just added the mysqli extension so once I save a bit for the second license, I think I will switch the vB site. vB feels like an anchor anymore after using xF. My new site is running xF with a WP front-end. Great work guys!
To top it off... XF being live about 16 or so hours on my main site now, member feedback is amazingly positive... still a little dazed and confused with change, even though I provided them a member only board to play with first, most don't bother... but even dazed with a new system, they report how simple it is to use, fast keeps getting raised, along with clean and fresh.
This is great. I was recently enquiring about performance when moving from vB to XF but didn't really get any conclusive answer. The stats above are very enlightening.

As soon as 'the situation' is cleared up, I'm ready to move four vBs to XF.
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