Fixed Server Environmental report doesn't return MariaDB version


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My development environment is using the latest stable; MariaDB 10.3.9, but XenForo's environmental report lists it as; MySQL version: 5.5.5
Is it pulling the client version that php was compiled with? (eg what does phpinfo show).

At a guess it probably needs to connect to the db server and pull the version from that, rather than relay on what phpinfo is providing?
Yeah this is mostly deliberate. The value returned is an integer which is provided by the mysqli connection from a property called server_version.

Either MariaDB is reporting that as its version, or it's inferring it from the version string which is invariably made up of the equivalent MySQL version and the actual MariaDB version.

We only need to know what the equivalent MySQL version is, anyway. This is the same value we use, say, when you're upgrading to XF 2.0 to make sure you're using at least MySQL 5.5.0.

This is the second bug report about this new information block. Really, this information is just a "best effort" collection of stuff that may or may not be useful if you're ever troubleshooting an issue. If it's there, wonderful. If it's not, it doesn't matter.
why not just query it this way ?
mysql -e "select @@version"       
| @@version       |
| 10.1.36-MariaDB |
Because it's not really the version we want. If it makes everyone happy, we'll grab that as well, but honestly, this is just a best effort snapshot of the environment.
We use Mariadb with DB Governor (Cloudlinux):
| @@version              |
| 10.3.9-MariaDB-cll-lve |
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