XF 1.4 Sender address must match authenticated user


Active member
Hi! I have an error with external SMTP server - it maybe related with XF, because SMTP-config is fully correct and perfectly works with desktop clients etc.
Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: Email to iglix@me.com failed: sender address must match authenticated user - library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php:431
Generated By: Exile, 10 minutes ago
Stack Trace

#0 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Smtp.php(289): Zend_Mail_Protocol_Abstract->_expect(Array, 300)
#1 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Smtp.php(211): Zend_Mail_Protocol_Smtp->rcpt('iglix@me.com')
#2 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/Zend/Mail/Transport/Abstract.php(348): Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp->_sendMail()
#3 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/Zend/Mail.php(1194): Zend_Mail_Transport_Abstract->send(Object(Zend_Mail))
#4 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/User.php(1147): Zend_Mail->send(Object(Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp))
#5 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/User.php(1026): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_User->_sendEmail(Array, Array, Object(Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp))
#6 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_User->actionEmailSend()
#7 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#8 /var/www/main/data/www/torrentpier.me/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#9 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(49) "https://torrentpier.me/admin.php?users/email-send"
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["users/email-send"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(10) {
    ["test"] => string(48) "Отправить тестовое письмо"
    ["criteria"] => string(87) "{"receive_admin_email":"1","username":"Exile","user_state":["valid"],"is_banned":["0"]}"
    ["total"] => string(1) "1"
    ["from_name"] => string(14) "TorrentPier.me"
    ["from_email"] => string(20) "admin@torrentpier.me"
    ["email_title"] => string(16) "Тестовая"
    ["email_format"] => string(4) "text"
    ["email_body"] => string(4) "ntcn"
    ["_xfConfirm"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"

SMTP setting:
2014-12-21 04-25-58 Скриншот экрана.webp

Any idea how to fix or debug it?
This is coming from your SMTP server so it's a limitation there. The error message isn't specific so you may need to contact your SMTP provider for further guidance, but I suspect it's referring to your bounce email address (as that is the account that is effectively sending the email).
The error message is actually extremely specific.

That's the standard SMTP error you get when the sender name does not match the authenticated name. Just to verify, admin@torrentpier.me is the same as the email address authenticated to be used on whatever remote mail server you're using? Is that address even being authenticated at all prior to sending email? It's very possible that admin@torrentpier.me is never being authenticated by mail.ru. Could be a connection being blocked between your forum's server and theirs, could be an incorrect username/password combination, etc. Have you tried changing the encryption type?
I suspect it's referring to your bounce email address
No, i tried to delete bounce settings - nothing changed.
Just to verify, admin@torrentpier.me is the same as the email address authenticated to be used on whatever remote mail server you're using?
Is that address even being authenticated at all prior to sending email?
Have you tried changing the encryption type?
Yes, nothing changed.
you may need to contact your SMTP provider for further guidance
That is what I'm trying now. They asked me to provide full SMTP-transaction (session) logs.
SMTP provider answered that they are not allowed to send mails with any scripts, only web-interface and client soft (Thunderbird etc).

I set up my SMTP server with DKIM, SPF, DMARK. After changing the settings in XenForo all was well.

Thank you all.
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