XF 1.3 Sender address rejected: not owned by user


Well-known member
Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: 5.7.1 <*****@gmail.com>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user ***@***.me - library/Zend/Mail/Protocol/Abstract.php:431
Generated By: Unknown Account, 2 minutes ago

Hi. I just config Email hosting but I can't send email for users. Any idea??
Hi. I just config Email hosting but I can't send email for users. Any idea??

Yep! I config such that :oops:
Doesn't look like it to me. You apparently set up SMTP with a gmail address for authentication and are using a .me in the XenForo "Default Email Address" section of the ACP. Try (for testing) setting it as the same as your SMTP authentication email and see if it works.

Are you on a VPS or on a shared hosting provider?
Doesn't look like it to me. You apparently set up SMTP with a gmail address for authentication and are using a .me in the XenForo "Default Email Address" section of the ACP. Try (for testing) setting it as the same as your SMTP authentication email and see if it works.

Are you on a VPS or on a shared hosting provider?
Yep! Worked :")
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