Selectively Prune IP Table?


Anyone have a query that could prune the IP table selectively?

Specifically - keep only IPs for those in Banned Usergroup (usergroup x) AND keep ALL IPs for the last 1 year. Truncate the rest.

Our table is very very large, going back 17 years, but it's not needed for the most part. What is needed is a record of banned folks so that future research can be done if needed (rejoins, alt ids, etc). And then recent year or so for anything that may pop up new.
Not specifically checking for Banned Usergroup, but checking the user is_banned flag ....
delete xf_ip from xf_ip
inner join xf_user on xf_ip.user_id = xf_user.user_id 
where xf_user.is_banned = 0 and log_date < date_sub(now(),interval 1 year);
Thanks much. Will check to see if this can work. We had about 10 years of vbulletin ported in before this, not sure if the Is_banned got applied to those members in the Banned Usergroup.
not sure if the Is_banned got applied to those members in the Banned Usergroup.
delete xf_ip from xf_ip
inner join xf_user on xf_ip.user_id = xf_user.user_id
where find_in_set('xx', xf_user.secondary_group_ids) = 0 and log_date < date_sub(now(),interval 1 year);

xx on the third line being your banned usergroup id.
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