
  1. alex2k5

    Selectively Prune IP Table?

    Anyone have a query that could prune the IP table selectively? Specifically - keep only IPs for those in Banned Usergroup (usergroup x) AND keep ALL IPs for the last 1 year. Truncate the rest. Our table is very very large, going back 17 years, but it's not needed for the most part. What is...
  2. Terror

    XF 2.0 Simple Cronjob Script

    hello folks, for xf1 i made a simple cronjob script that worked great... <?php class AAA_BBB_CCC { public static function truncateTable() { $db = XenForo_Application::getDb(); $db->query("TRUNCATE TABLE xf_ip"); } } can you help me convert this to xf2? i've tried a lot like this but...
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