Not a bug Search console server error


Affected version
Hi I switched to xenforo 2 old links google search console gives server error How can I fix them?

Sample: showthread.php?t=232044
The site is currently being upgraded. Please check back later.


RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+-([\d]+).html showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [NC,L]
RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+.html showthread.php?t=$1 [NC,L]
At this time, there aren't redirect scripts for 2.0, so if you have a version of showthread.php from XF1, that won't work and thus any error is roughly expected.
We've released XF2 versions of our original redirection scripts now. If they aren't the ones you were using, then you'll need to inquire with the original developer of those as to their plans of making them XF2 compatible.

Other than that, as Mike says, this is roughly expected. Any code which interfaces with XF1 will need to be re-written for XF2.
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