Lack of interest Search by date range

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Bonsai Coder

Active member
I wish XenForo allowed users to search by "earlier than" a date or "between" two dates, instead of the default option "later than" a date.

This would help significantly in larger, older forum sites. Currently if someone wants to search for specific content that is 10 years old, there is no way to do so without slogging through 10 years of content.
Upvote 2
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

I think the mod thought I was asking for an add-on(?) I am suggesting this for the base software.


It was the first time, ever, that I just had a post deleted outright. It was also unusual in that it didn't show which Mod did it. All previous times one of the Mods would comment or move a post, it would always show who initiated the action.
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