XF 2.1 Search Bar CSS broken


Well-known member
Hey all,

We're having a tough time figuring out a CSS/template issue with our search bar. When clicking the full search bar in desktop mode, the full search box drops down as per normal, but this is behind the other elements on the page. The result is that this becomes unclickable, as for some reason it's being hidden by other elements.

Even on pages / aspects of the search bar which are visible, these still aren't clickable as if it's an active element.

This seems to work fine on FireFox, but not in Chrome or other browsers:



When viewing the site as a guest, the search bar is visible (as other elements are pushed down the page via an ad), but is not clickable:


URL: https://www.sysnative.com/forums/

Anyone have any ideas on how we can fix this? I've tried a bunch of CSS div positioning to try and resolve, but no luck so far.

Appreciate any help!
The theme is a heavily modified custom style, originally based on a XenFocus theme. We maintain it ourselves, so for all intents and purposes we are the theme author.

I've tried changing the z-index previous on just about every value I could find with no effect.
It's usually best to report things like this to the style author just in case because it could be a bug with the style that may affect other users.

@Ehren may be able to chime in, looking at your style you don't have sticky nav enabled. I'm wondering if enabling that would fix the issue. If so it may just be a case of adding a z-index to the div: dimension-nav-wrap
If so it may just be a case of adding a z-index to the div: dimension-nav-wrap

This actually fixed the issue - I tried adding z-index to a couple of different divs previously, but couldn't find the correct one.

FYI - the reason I posted here, instead of reaching out to @Ehren, is that the theme has been heavily modified and a lot of the original changes / styling design overridden.

For comparison-

Original theme:

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