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[screencast] Creating XenForo Add-on 1.0.0

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  • Thread starter Thread starter Floris
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Floris, at the start you say click "List Add-ons" and from there click "Create Add-on". I have no add-ons installed at all, and the option doesn't show-up to "Create Add-on", only "Install Add-on". Curious if you MUST HAVE at least one mod already installed to see that "Create Add-on" option show up?
You need to be in debug mode.

Go to /library/config.php and add:
$config['debug'] = true;

Make sure to comment that out (or set to false) when you don't need it as your forum should not really be running in debug mode unless necessary.
I've just managed to create my first XenForo add-on, very basic using the ad_header template to show it in and adding two templates, one a css one. I'm classed as a coder now, bring it on Ragtek! :LOL:

It's only took me about 3 hours. :eek:

How do you make use of phrases. Like adding a text box you type something into that gets displayed using a phrase added in template. Any chance you can create a video that shows how to do this in templates then adding the options setting for a text box it uses.
I could ask Floris.

But in the meantime, if there's any specific you need help with I can provide code examples.
I could ask Floris.

But in the meantime, if there's any specific you need help with I can provide code examples.

It would be great if you could ask Floris. thanks for the offer of help but it's nothing specific. We're just trying to understand the process is all.
They were apparently inadvertently removed when Floris requested his account to be removed. Must be some sort of unexpected behaviour with the Resource Manager when the user is deleted. However, here's the YouTube links:

001 - Creating your own add-on
002 - Creating your own .php file
003 - A case for a template hook
004 - Multiple hooks
005 - Adding options for choice
006 - Changing our options
007 - Creating phrases for translation
008 - Doing more with templates
009 - From add-on to .zip file
The text from them is unavailable, but if you need any help outside of the videos just ask. Someone will steer you in the right direction :)
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