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[SchmitzIT] How to add forum icons in tabs added with listeners


Well-known member
SchmitzIT submitted a new resource:

[SchmitzIT] How to add forum icons in tabs added with listeners (version 1.0) - Add icons to your tabs

In our old vB forum we used to have icons on our navigation tabs. We wanted to have the same thing in xF, and implementing this in the default tabs was easy, but the dynamically added tabs posed a wee bit more of a challenge.
Luckily, it is still fairly easy to accomplish, thoug, and here is how.

First off, find the template navigation. In it, look for lines 75 and 159:

                <a href="{$extraTab.href}" class="navLink">{$extraTab.title}</a>

Replace both cases with:...

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I added this sweet tweak to the list of HOT style tweaks for xenforo !
need this but to difficult for a non programmer like me. searched for it but it seems there's no add on to make this possible.
need this but to difficult for a non programmer like me. searched for it but it seems there's no add on to make this possible.

It's impossible to do this as an add-on. Some of the work would include customizing add-on files to ensure they get the hook to add the icon, and seeing we'd never be able to know in advance which files you're using, it would be pretty tough to handle, or we'd have to add files for almost every add-on using this.

Which part of the instructions are you having issues with, specifically?
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