XF 2.0 Saving forum permissions takes long time to finish


Active member
i just migrated from phpbb 3 to xenforo. I have a site with quite some forums containing ~130k threads and ~550k posts.
It is wery frustrating that just to set a forum to "private" takes a minute to "rebuild permissions" after hitting save.
Also other small changes takes imo wery long time to finish.

I have to set permissions for quite some of the forums because the importer wasnt able to import forum-permissions.
My problem is i have to wait almost a minute for each save...

Maybe my server doesnt have enough power. But i ran the site with phpbb and there it was way faster to update things.

Any suggestions on how to speed up things a little bit?
The permission rebuild is primarily related to the number of nodes and user groups.

How many of those do you have?

The trade off with XF is it faster at run time once everything is compiled and in general, rebuilding permissions is very infrequent so it's worth the longer rebuild time for the increased performance.
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