XF 2.1 RSS Feed is only partly working.


Active member
I get only the first post of the thread, every time one post gets posted in there, i get people who say RSS feed is broken and i can't use it anymore as interface for as example a twitter bot.

First i thought it is Bug, but now I feel that is unfinished since every single of your competitors has implemented this feature fully, not partly.

Here at least 17 People who agree with me..
... every other forum ipb, vb, phpbb, mybbb etc. have rss feeds which includes the posts in the descending order. Thanks.

I get only the first post of the thread, every time one post gets posted in there, i get people who say RSS feed is broken and i can't use it anymore as interface for as example a twitter bot .
Please fix that, i paid 160€ and every single of your competitors has implemented this really basic feature fully, not partly.

Here at least 17 People who agree with me..
... every other forum ipb, vb, phpbb, mybbb etc. have rss feeds which includes the posts in the descending order. Thanks.
This has a basic logical reason, RSS is 25 years old and it is clear how it has to be used, i do not want any discussion!
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Could be a bit more politly askes - but yes, he is right.

Look, I am one of the politest normally, but i learned sometimes you get crossed like Jesus if you are to polite.
Sometimes you have to kick people in the ass to get things working and done, for some people.

I had once a much more important request, but i wasn't understood from people here and ignored by XenForo stuff.
I am now passiv aggressive because i knew, I will get more attention and understanding for such a trivial request, the other ones were to complex to grasp i guess.

Could be a bit more politly asked and reported in the correct forums (it´s not a bug, it´s a feature request) - but yes, he is right.

Some stupid people would say this not a bug it is a feature, but if everyone goes by feed and you are the only one who goes by handstand. Then you should questioning your self.
It was just a hint, no offense, hibiskus. You´re relativly new to the forums, regarding your join date,
Some stupid people would say this not a bug it is a feature, but if everyone goes by feed and you are the only one who goes by handstand. Then you should questioning your self.
..jesus :rolleyes: WTF is wrong with you?
It was just a hint, no offense, hibiskus. You´re relativly new to the forums, regarding your join date,

..jesus :rolleyes: WTF is wrong with you?

It wasn't intended to offence you i was imaging the XenForo people, and the sentence was only against your "this isn't a bug part". Sorry if it came personal, i should have used 3rd person.

Because it is clearly a bug, everyone goes by feet, has a normal logical rss feed, and XenForo goes by handstand, and people try to tell me that is normal.
But normal ist what the wide range of people do, not if one fish is swimming against the current.
Because it is clearly a bug, everyone goes by feet, has a normal logical rss feed, and XenForo goes by handstand
No, it´s not. And to go by your terms, even if you wanna stand upside down on the head. The feed functions have been released with new threads in mind, not new posts, since the very early days of XF. It´s intentially designed to do so. A bug is something completly different, a programmatic error, code that is not working as intended or described. It has nothing, absolutly nothing, to do with your expectations and you disregard, that your software license is for a software "as is". Instead and before accusing XenForo to sell "broken software", you should really educate yourself in the first place.
No, it´s not. And to go by your terms, even if you wanna stand upside down on the head. The feed functions have been released with new threads in mind, not new posts, since the very early days of XF. It´s intentially designed to do so. A bug is something completly different, a programmatic error, code that is not working as intended or described. It has nothing, absolutly nothing, to do with your expectations and you disregard, that your software license is for a software "as is". Instead and before accusing XenForo to sell "broken software", you should really educate yourself in the first place.

Thank you, you seem to be the only one who understands me and some things maybe better than me. Then i change my wrong claim, it is not a bug. And XenForo has one of the cleanest codes i am sure. So then I am claiming the RSS Feed function is not finished.
Edit: I edited also opening post. Again sorry for my childish behaviour, but when i feel misunderstood or not taken seriously i can get mad and reach borders.

Thank you for calming me down!
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If I'm understanding correctly, you are saying that you would like an RSS feed that contains every post in descending order.

I don't believe any of the other forum software you mentioned actually does that, by default. But, even so, we don't see much value in flooding an RSS feed with every single post. Instead the feed is constructed to show you a list of threads ordered by their last post date.

It's not unfinished, it's not a bug, it's just how we decided to implement it.

Given this thread has taken some turns, it might be best to create a new thread in the XenForo suggestions forum to detail the suggestion.
What you chose to do, doesn't justifie your result or mean that is the right way.
1. You could have chosen to give a option 1 Checkbox ticked, every post and let it unticked by default for non flooding, if needed.
Instead of deciding for one or ignoring other opinions :)

Why do you think that 17 People in this thread are i need for this option? And why are these options given at all other forum software? Because there seems to be need for it.

I may open a cleaner written suggestion thread, but i am already getting a bit tired.

Thank you for you time and answer!
And why are these options given at all other forum software?
From what I've seen, I don't believe that to be the case. Maybe they have options for it, I don't know, but certainly every single RSS feed I've seen today behaves similarly to our own.

Overall, I feel that the request is somewhat unusual for an RSS implementation so, honestly, an alternative was never really on the cards. I don't seem to really recall any similar suggestions (and can't find any) from the last nearly 10 years either.

This still doesn't mean our way is the right way, but we haven't had any indication to the contrary until today.

So, yes, please post a suggestion thread whenever you're able to, and it is something we can consider going forward.
@Chris D I can't comment on other forum software but for phpBB, on which my forum started, their RSS feeds for each forum contain every new post. You can see this on their own community forums https://www.phpbb.com/community/

This is where my suggestion 6 years ago came from.

Personally I don't use RSS feeds for forums these days, I much prefer push notifications, but I can understand that some people might want RSS feeds that display all posts.
I stand corrected then on phpBB and the existing suggestion.

But the rest of my comments still stand. hibiskus, there's no need therefore to create a new suggestion thread as one already exists.
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