Fixed route filters, ending slash

Jake Bunce

Well-known member
Affected version
I'm not sure if you would consider this a bug, but at the least it is a parity issue between XF1 and XF2.

Create a route filter like this in both XF1 and XF2:

Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 9.57.30 PM.webp

In XF1 you can then visit:

...and the result is that it redirects you to:

...and subsequently loads the proper target.

In XF2 it works differently. Trying to request this URL:

...simply gives you a XF 404.

I have a customer who desires the XF1 behavior in XF2.
I just wanted to reply and let the devs know that this seems to be a fairly serious bug as this affects all custom routes in XF2. this has broken dozens and dozens of urls on my website. i'm running nginx but i haven't been able to come up with a redirect scheme that solves this issue without creating a redirection loop. I've tried this solution on stack overflow, but it doesn't work for links that manage things like posting threads, etc:

the only solution i've been able to come up with is to add each custom route individually in the vhost config:

  #fix xf2 bug
  rewrite /book$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent;
  rewrite /fest$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent;
  rewrite /contact$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent;
  rewrite /about$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent;
  rewrite /podcast$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent;

which is obviously a huge pain in the arse. not to mention any word-of-mouth sharing of urls is not likely to include a trailing slash; when was the last time you included a trailing slash when writing a url on a piece of paper for someone?

so this is resulting in a lot of traffic going to 404 pages in xf2 (xf1 added the slash properly). is there any chance there will be a fix for this anytime soon? am i crazy in thinking this is a major bug? i guess i'm just looking for a dev to maybe comment on this and at least state if a fix is coming so i'm not stuck in limbo wondering if this will ever be fixed.
Just tested this on all route filters we have and as reported, without the /, Xenforo won't redirect and will show 404 instead.
Please fix this. Thank you
That seems to be generally broken without friendly URLs.

now both result in 404.
At least the original whats-new route should not be affected by this at all.

Edit: Nvm, that does not even work with friendly URLs activated. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
@S Thomas
If you have a xf1 installation, you can easily check that the same settings for test/ filter will behave differently on xf1 and xf2. Hence it is suggested it's a xf2 bug since it breaks things that worked on xf1.
You misunderstood me, I can reproduce your bug and not only that, there's a pretty related one to it aswell. whats-new/ is a standard route and that one gets broken when you create an invalid route filter. In my example, there is no route test/, so obviously that route filter will fail. But it will also break the original whats-new/ route which really should not happen.
This is sorted for the next release, XF 2.0.10.

If you'd like to implement a change now, please add the following to src/config.php. Ideally, remove it before you upgrade to XF 2.0.10:

if (\XF::$versionId < 2001070)
   $c->extend('router', function(\XF\Mvc\Router $router)
      $router->addRoutePreProcessor('prefilter', function(\XF\Mvc\Router $router, $path, \XF\Mvc\RouteMatch $match, \XF\Http\Request $request = null)
         if (strlen($path) && strpos($path, '/') === false)
            $path .= '/';

         return $match;
      }, true);
      return $router;
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