XF 2.1 RM Split custom fields


Well-known member
I have a custom field colors for the RM with a lot of checkboxes. I save integers.

1 blue
2 red
3 green
4 orange

Now i want to bring the half of this values to another field. So i have added a new field colors2 with

3 green
4 orange

With a script i fetch all resource_id, field_value WHERE field_id = color FROM xf_rm_resource_field_value

unserialize => field_value

Then i make a check with allowed numbers (3, 4) and finally i have an array like

temp = [
3=> "3",
4=> "4"

serialize and UPDATE field_value to xf_rm_resource_field_value WHERE field_id = color2 and resource_id = resource_id FROM the first query.

The result looks exactly like it should;


And this is the same resource_id after i have clicked the checkboxes.


There is no difference, but after clicking RM shows me the field_values,
while he doesnt show them, when i update the fields by script.

Is there anything else, i have forgotten to do?
Ok, i remember it. For which reasons ever the data from custom fields is saved a second time in rescources also;
there in another format.

The serialize in xf_rm_resource_field_value needs to be with an array like

1=>"1" => producing i:s:i:

while the field in resources needs "name":"values,values...","next name ...
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