In user registration, how to hide custom user fields? (according to the selection in the previous field)
for example, If someone selects the option "(x) No" in field 2 then I need to hide fields 3 and 4.
2 - Are you a software owner? (Field ID: opc_has_software / Radio buttons)
( ) Yes, my software is for internal use only
( ) Yes, my software is for sale
( ) No
3 - Check the types of programming: (Field ID chk_prg / Check boxes)
4 - Check the database types: (Field ID: chk_database / Check boxes)
In user registration, how to hide custom user fields? (according to the selection in the previous field)
for example, If someone selects the option "(x) No" in field 2 then I need to hide fields 3 and 4.
2 - Are you a software owner? (Field ID: opc_has_software / Radio buttons)
( ) Yes, my software is for internal use only
( ) Yes, my software is for sale
( ) No
3 - Check the types of programming: (Field ID chk_prg / Check boxes)
4 - Check the database types: (Field ID: chk_database / Check boxes)