* @api-desc Gets information about the specified thread.
* @api-in bool $with_posts If specified, the response will include a page of posts.
* @api-in int $page The page of posts to include
* @api-in string $order Request a particular sort order for posts from the available options for the thread type
* @api-in bool $with_first_post If specified, the response will contain the first post in the thread.
* @api-in bool $with_last_post If specified, the response will contain the last post in the thread.
* @api-in bool $with_last_poster If specified, the response will contain the user record for the last poster.
* @api-out Thread $thread
* @api-out Post $first_unread <cond> If the thread is unread, information about the first unread post
* @api-out Post $first_post <cond> If requested, information about the first post in the thread
* @api-out Post $last_post <cond> If requested, information about the last post in the thread
* @api-out User $last_poster <cond> If requested, information about the author of the last post in the thread
* @api-see self::getPostsInThreadPaginated()