Resource manager as a downloads manager?


Well-known member
Basically the RM is a downloads manager. But its also quite a different animal than DownloadsII, Links and Downloads Manager, vbDownloads and IP.Downloads.

Can the RM be used to replace these addons? How?
Will there be an importer to import categories, files, discussions and ratings from these addons?
Unfortunately, that's not an acceptable workaround for I would assume the majority of the sites, mine included (as explained here).

My idea would be to designate one file as primary and all the others as secondary. Might be easier to work with that way. And at least as far as our usage goes, makes perfect sense in most in not all cases.
Unfortunately, that's not an acceptable workaround for I would assume the majority of the sites, mine included (as explained here).

My idea would be to designate one file as primary and all the others as secondary. Might be easier to work with that way. And at least as far as our usage goes, makes perfect sense in most in not all cases.

You could always purchase for $20, and then invest in a coder to do as you need.
I think the best workaround for multiple files has already been given, and that's packaging them up into one file.

It is a pretty big core change, if you think about it.

You've got to all of a sudden begin managing multiple versions of multiple files (potentially), counting multiple downloads of multiple files, display multiple files for download maybe even rating multiple files.

There's lots of considerations for that to happen.
If one of the files is downloaded = count as 1 download.
No rating of multiple files is needed, you can also upload multiple files to a post, but you can only like a post once,
no matter how many files it has.
TBH I'd still buy it @ $20 because you'll save yourself $40 if the changes you want are added to the core later on (at least during the remaining time to run on your XF license). (y)

I'm sure there will be a raft of suggestions once everyone's downloaded and installed it. ;)
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