XF 2.2 required PHP extension cURL could not be found


Well-known member
Local dev environment: Windows 10 Home

In php.ini I enabled the cURL extension, but xenforo_requirements.php says "The required PHP extension cURL could not be found. Please ask your host to install this extension."

cURL is definitely installed, and the extension is enabled.

What else do I need to check?
If XF is reporting it's not installed, then it's not installed.

Try restarting Apache.

If that doesn't work then you will need to install curl for the instance of PHP which XF is using.
If XF is reporting it's not installed, then it's not installed.

Try restarting Apache.

If that doesn't work then you will need to install curl for the instance of PHP which XF is using.
I did restart Apache. Also, in the command prompt when I type curl -help, all the cURL options are displayed, which should mean it is installed?

Edit: fyi, C:\Windows\System32 does contain the curl.exe file
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Solution found:
The entry in the system variables path had to be modified. I had it as C:\web\php, which was set a long time ago, and I needed to change it to C:\web\php7. A Windows restart was required to make the change take effect.

So when XF says it's not installed, that's not necessarily the case. ;-)
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