Matt C.
Well-known member
So I have a template called "ah_gamerprofiles_macros".
The contents of that template are (I've omitted some of the code belonging to the other custom user fields for simplistic reasons):
I also have a template modification that edits the message_macros template.
The problem is, I can't get anything to appear. I'm positive the problem is with the macros because I put in this code directly it works fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.
The contents of that template are (I've omitted some of the code belonging to the other custom user fields for simplistic reasons):
<xf:macro name="ah_gamerprofiles_icons" arg-user="!">
<xf:css src="ah_gamerprofiles.less" />
<xf:set var="$ahGPStatus" value="{{ property('ahGPStatus') }}" />
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="ah-gp-icons-container">
<xf:if is="{$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_playstation} AND $ahGPStatus.ah_playstation">
<a href="{$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_playstation}" class="ah-gp-trigger" target="_blank">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 26 26" version="1.1" class="ah-gp-svg ah-gp-svg--playstation">
<g id="surface1">
<path style=" " d="M 10 3.5 L 10 21.84375 L 13.96875 23.0625 L 13.96875 7.75 C 13.96875 7.34375 14.019531 7.046875 14.1875 6.875 C 14.355469 6.640625 14.511719 6.617188 14.75 6.71875 C 15.324219 6.886719 15.59375 7.40625 15.59375 8.25 L 15.59375 14.40625 C 16.878906 15.015625 18.03125 15.078125 18.875 14.4375 C 19.753906 13.828125 20.21875 12.746094 20.21875 11.125 C 20.21875 9.433594 19.902344 8.128906 19.15625 7.28125 C 18.480469 6.371094 17.289063 5.640625 15.53125 5.03125 C 13.335938 4.320313 11.488281 3.8125 10 3.5 Z M 8.78125 14.59375 L 8 14.84375 L 3.09375 16.59375 L 2.25 16.9375 C 0.964844 17.476563 0.277344 18.054688 0.3125 18.5625 C 0.378906 19.304688 1.226563 19.84375 2.75 20.25 C 4.726563 20.78125 6.730469 20.902344 8.78125 20.59375 L 8.78125 18.5 L 8 18.78125 L 7.125 19.125 L 5.71875 19.40625 L 4.375 19.25 C 4.105469 19.078125 4.015625 18.886719 4.1875 18.71875 C 4.355469 18.617188 4.605469 18.476563 4.875 18.375 L 5.78125 18.0625 L 8.78125 17 Z M 20.15625 15.5625 C 19.789063 15.546875 19.417969 15.578125 19.0625 15.59375 C 17.75 15.621094 16.402344 15.835938 15 16.28125 L 15 18.75 L 17.78125 17.78125 L 19.21875 17.28125 C 19.21875 17.28125 19.761719 17.136719 20.15625 17.03125 C 20.761719 16.871094 21.40625 17.09375 21.40625 17.09375 C 21.777344 17.125 21.964844 17.265625 22.03125 17.4375 C 22.097656 17.640625 21.851563 17.796875 21.34375 17.96875 L 20.09375 18.46875 L 15 20.28125 L 15 22.6875 L 17.375 21.84375 L 23.09375 19.8125 L 23.78125 19.5 C 25.136719 18.992188 25.753906 18.457031 25.6875 17.78125 C 25.652344 17.136719 24.882813 16.628906 23.53125 16.1875 C 22.390625 15.804688 21.253906 15.605469 20.15625 15.5625 Z "/>
<img src="//{$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_playstation}.png" class="ah-gp-profile" />
<xf:macro name="ah_gamerprofiles_message">
<xf:if is="{$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_playstation} OR {$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_xbox} OR {$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_steam} OR {$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_twitch} OR {$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_youtube}">
<div class="ah-gp-message">
<xf:macro template="ah_gamerprofiles_macros" name="ah_gamerprofiles_icons" arg-user="{$user}" />
I also have a template modification that edits the message_macros template.
<xf:if is="$extras.custom_fields">
<xf:macro template="custom_fields_macros" name="custom_fields_values"
arg-additionalFilters="{{ ['message'] }}"
arg-valueClass="pairs pairs--justified" />
<xf:if is="$user.canViewIdentities()">
<xf:macro template="custom_fields_macros" name="custom_fields_view"
arg-additionalFilters="{{ ['message'] }}"
arg-valueClass="pairs pairs--justified" />
<xf:macro template="ah_gamerprofiles_macros" name="ah_gamerprofiles_message" />
The problem is, I can't get anything to appear. I'm positive the problem is with the macros because I put in this code directly it works fine.
<xf:set var="$ahGPStatus" value="{{ property('ahGPStatus') }}" />
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
<div class="ah-gp-icons-container">
<xf:if is="{$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_playstation} AND $ahGPStatus.ah_playstation">
<a href="{$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_playstation}" class="ah-gp-trigger" target="_blank">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 26 26" version="1.1" class="ah-gp-svg ah-gp-svg--playstation">
<g id="surface1">
<path style=" " d="M 10 3.5 L 10 21.84375 L 13.96875 23.0625 L 13.96875 7.75 C 13.96875 7.34375 14.019531 7.046875 14.1875 6.875 C 14.355469 6.640625 14.511719 6.617188 14.75 6.71875 C 15.324219 6.886719 15.59375 7.40625 15.59375 8.25 L 15.59375 14.40625 C 16.878906 15.015625 18.03125 15.078125 18.875 14.4375 C 19.753906 13.828125 20.21875 12.746094 20.21875 11.125 C 20.21875 9.433594 19.902344 8.128906 19.15625 7.28125 C 18.480469 6.371094 17.289063 5.640625 15.53125 5.03125 C 13.335938 4.320313 11.488281 3.8125 10 3.5 Z M 8.78125 14.59375 L 8 14.84375 L 3.09375 16.59375 L 2.25 16.9375 C 0.964844 17.476563 0.277344 18.054688 0.3125 18.5625 C 0.378906 19.304688 1.226563 19.84375 2.75 20.25 C 4.726563 20.78125 6.730469 20.902344 8.78125 20.59375 L 8.78125 18.5 L 8 18.78125 L 7.125 19.125 L 5.71875 19.40625 L 4.375 19.25 C 4.105469 19.078125 4.015625 18.886719 4.1875 18.71875 C 4.355469 18.617188 4.605469 18.476563 4.875 18.375 L 5.78125 18.0625 L 8.78125 17 Z M 20.15625 15.5625 C 19.789063 15.546875 19.417969 15.578125 19.0625 15.59375 C 17.75 15.621094 16.402344 15.835938 15 16.28125 L 15 18.75 L 17.78125 17.78125 L 19.21875 17.28125 C 19.21875 17.28125 19.761719 17.136719 20.15625 17.03125 C 20.761719 16.871094 21.40625 17.09375 21.40625 17.09375 C 21.777344 17.125 21.964844 17.265625 22.03125 17.4375 C 22.097656 17.640625 21.851563 17.796875 21.34375 17.96875 L 20.09375 18.46875 L 15 20.28125 L 15 22.6875 L 17.375 21.84375 L 23.09375 19.8125 L 23.78125 19.5 C 25.136719 18.992188 25.753906 18.457031 25.6875 17.78125 C 25.652344 17.136719 24.882813 16.628906 23.53125 16.1875 C 22.390625 15.804688 21.253906 15.605469 20.15625 15.5625 Z "/>
<img src="//{$user.Profile.custom_fields.ah_playstation}.png" class="ah-gp-profile" />
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.