Reply button


Well-known member
I wanted to make a new reply button in posts, the current reply quotes the post which is fine, but I'd like another beside it that just puts the cursor in the quick reply without a quote.

I know it's the 'post' template, so far I've added this

<xen:if is="{$canReply}">
                    <a href="{xen:link threads/reply, $thread}" data-postUrl="{xen:link posts/quote, $post}" class="Reply item control reply" title="Reply to this message"><span></span>Reply</a>

which does work but opens a new window.

Is there a bit of code that just puts the cursor into the bottom of page in the quick reply?

Try this:
<a href="{$requestPaths.requestUri}#QuickReply" class="Reply item control reply" title="Reply to this message"><span></span>{xen:phrase reply}</a>
It won't focus editor because editor is not a usual input that can be focused, but it will scroll down to reply form.
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