Replace Sidebar Visitor Panel Image?


Well-known member
How do you replace the sidebar_visitor_panel image? I keep getting a broken image link.
When I was messing around with it I tried using this code

<a href="{xen:link account/personal-details}"><img src="{$user.customFields.customsidebarimage}" height="190" width="190" /></a>
something like that but it kept coming up with a broken image.
I assume "customsidebarimage" is a field_id of a custom user field? And I assume your user has something entered into that field in his profile?

Try debugging the output of {$visitor.customFields.customsidebarimage} by adding that variable to the top of the template. That should allow you to see the output directly on the page.
Wait how do you debug whatever you just said? I did remove the custom userfield though and just used the direct link of the picture instead.
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