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Remove Title From Conversation URL 1.0

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Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
Chris Deeming submitted a new resource:

Remove Title From Conversation URL (version 1.0) - Removes conversation titles from URLs

This simple add-on, once enabled, removes the conversation titles from conversation URLs.

The conversation URLs have absolutely zero SEO benefit as the titles can only be seen by members and those with permission to view the conversation.

However, the conversation title does show in anything else that tracks URLs, e.g. proxies, referrer logs, etc.

Therefore, this add-on produces conversations where instead of the URL being:...

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I did not see your code, but this can be done with a simple template edit too.
No need to take the performance hit that comes at XF with each single addon install. :)

But I agree. In conversations the title should not be in the URL. This is why we changed that at our board some time ago.

Your addon makes this very simple for all XF users, so thank you for it!
It cannot be done with a template edit. If you believe it can, I would be more than happy for you to share that here as an alternative for those people who have no need to take the non-existent performance hit that comes with this add-on.
I like it. How about extending the addon to include support for forums that are not publicly accessible, like staff forums?
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