XF 2.1 remove all thoses useless 301 redirect


Active member
I saw something really not SEO friendly.

every internal links in Xenforo who point to a post are redirected because ...#

By example:


copy the link of the last thread who got a answer.
this link is just a 301 redirection, the correct link is:

Around 70% of the internal link are a 301 redirection...
How can we correct that please ?
No, thoses links are usefull for internal mesh, you need to correct and keep them.

The Internal meshing is an important part for SEO. The goal is to correct and keep thoses links, not to block the crawling.
If you read this thread you will see i already found a solution.
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No, thoses links are usefull for internal mesh, you need to correct and keep them.
I'm not sure what you mean. What is "internal mesh"? If the goal is to keep the feature of the 301 redirect to the proper page of the thread, but you don't want the search engines to crawl the links (I'm just assuming here), then blocking the links in the robots.txt file seems like a good solution. It's common knowledge that the /goto/ directory is blocked on many sites. How do these links differ? They're all 301 redirects.
We've got an internal SEO Add-on that does this :)
Hey Kirby! I too built myself an add-on that hides from guests all those links to 301 redirects to posts. However i guess google still visit them as they are already in their index. Did you use some way to ask google to drop those posts from the index?
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