XF 1.4 Remove all posts by a user


I've had an old user come back and ask me to remove all posts by him. He has over 3000, so do this manually would be a problem. Is there a way to do this? If I just remove the user, his posts will be turned to "guest" and he actually wants to nuke the content.
Ok, took a while, but that seemed to have worked for one spammer!
Having an interesting issue now ... most likely caused by me trying so many times to use the Spam cleaner (?), but my homepage is still riddled with threads by another spammer ... however there's no hyperlink on his name, nor does his name show up in searches via the front-end, or ACP??
Could the spam cleaner have gotten halfway through and deleted the user, but not cleaned up the threads? (the batch thread update also apparently finds now threads by this spammer, even though they're clearly visible in my forums.
That suggests you have deleted the user account, which doesn't actually remove the content.
The Spam Cleaner doesn't have the option to delete accounts; are you sure you didn't do that in the ACP?
That suggests you have deleted the user account, which doesn't actually remove the content.
The Spam Cleaner doesn't have the option to delete accounts; are you sure you didn't do that in the ACP?
Definitely possible Brogan. It's been quite the battle getting rid of this spam, and even though I was planning to not delete the spam users until their content was removed, it's possible I effed up ....
Any suggestions on removing the content now?
EDIT: looks like I can find most of it by using the batch thread updater and filtering on creation date instead of user ... trying that now.
Ok, the batch update threads is also having trouble with this content.
When I search for threads started by the spammer in question (who's now gone from the DB) it gives zero results, but when I search for threads started within x timeframe, it indeed finds the ~4000 threads by the spammer.
However, when i try to delete them all, I get this:

Try narrowing the criteria so fewer threads are returned.
Tis a bit strange because earlier the system was able to batch update thread delete ~9000 threads .... this one's now bombing out above a much lower amount. But, it's worked a few times with smaller amounts for the 'missing' user, so I'll persevere.
Thx again Brogan!
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