[rellect] Responsive AdminCP [Deleted]

You might be confused with the responsive design of the front-end, which comes built-in.
I know that the front end is built in... I'm talking about ACP responsive add ons. I thought there was a free one already, but could be mistaken. I don't use any myself.
I know that the front end is built in... I'm talking about ACP responsive add ons. I thought there was a free one already, but could be mistaken. I don't use any myself.
I don't think there is one out there (despite free/paid) as I've been looking for one like this since last year, until I found rellect's paid responsive admincp addon. I could be wrong too :)
rellect updated [rellect] Responsive AdminCP with a new update entry:


  1. The sideNav had a fixed position at a width point that it should had a static position.
  1. In safari for iOS (and some other mobile browsers) the scrollbars are hidden by default. From the first version I added some css to make the scrollbars visible, but the change affected also the desktop webkit browsers. It wasn't bad but the default design is more comfortable in desktop, so I changed the mentioned css to be applied only for touch devices....

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rellect updated [rellect] Responsive AdminCP with a new update entry:


Maintain release.
  • Added compatibility with [rellect] Desktop Version For Mobiles.
    This will basically allow you to turn the responsive off, temporarily, In case you'll need to check something in the regular view (desktop version) and you're not near a computer.
  • iOS 7.1: added minimal-ui property, this is used to avoid the top and bottom Safari bars from appearing, gives a better 'app'...

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rellect updated [rellect] Responsive AdminCP with a new update entry:


[FIXED] Starting from the first version, the sideNav of the admincp was relocated above the content for a reason that isn't relevant any longer. This is now reverted and will allow a faster loading of the main content.

In the previous update the minimal-ui property for iOS was added. This is now disabled by default and a setting is added to enable it....

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This keeps on happening...


  • Screenshot_2014-07-04-15-12-58.webp
    40.9 KB · Views: 10
This keeps on happening...
Basically I hide and move it above the content using js, so the main content would load faster.
I don't hide it using css to allow it to be accessible when js is disabled or the connection too slow to load it.

It doesn't get hidden in your device?
Basically I hide and move it above the content using js, so the main content would load faster.
I don't hide it using css to allow it to be accessible when js is disabled or the connection too slow to load it.

It doesn't get hidden in your device?

It did once, but only after a few refreshes. On that device it still hasn't been hidden.

It did once, but only after a few refreshes. On that device it still hasn't been hidden.

I can't reproduce it in my android device.
Can you try to clear the cache? Could be the reason. I forgot to apply a change to force a re-cache.
rellect updated [rellect] Responsive AdminCP with a new update entry:


Jump To top
Added "jump to top" button to ease the navigation when in mobiles.
Note for iOS: due to safari behavior, that detects click at bottom as attempt to discover the toolbar, sometimes it will require double click for the button to perform its action.

View attachment 82629

Disabled Unnecessary Tooltips
There are links in the admincp with a tooltip attached to...

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Is this a life-time license?
You may use the addon for life-time, but access to new updates may be limited after some time period.
The guaranteed time for getting updates is 6 months since the purchase.

Since this addon was released (a year+ ago) I have not charged extra payment for additional updates, but this may change at any time.
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