XF 1.0 Relative Timestamps

In the beginning, dates next to content on the internet were ugly things. We used to see date/time strings like 07-29-2010 16:31 and that would be it.

Then, options were added to allow administrators to specify a date/time format, and you could see output such as 4:31pm, Thursday June 29th 2010.

Later still, it was possible to output times relative to the present, so one could see dates like 3 minutes ago or Yesterday at 6:15pm.

However, these relative dates can be nasty when it comes to anything that is going to cache the page output. If a search engine slurps up the page, its cache is going to forever be wrong, as it will be locked at 3 minutes ago even when the content is weeks old. This can also be a problem for long threads. By the time you reach the bottom of a long page, the posts at the bottom could be several minutes older than when they were loaded into your browser, so their 2 minutes ago output is completely wrong.

XenForo addresses this by always outputting absolute dates and times, but our Javascript then identifies these instances and converts them into relative dates for the viewing user.

The icing on the cake is that all date/time instances automatically update as time goes by. If reply to a thread, your message will be posted and its date and time will be noted as 'A moment ago'. Wait a little while, and it will automatically update to read '1 minute ago' and will continue until it no longer makes sense to display a relative date.

I have yet to grow tired of seeing all the dates in a thread simultaneously update all by themselves :)
We are publishing all our visual tutorials on xenfans.com once we have the board up and running.
Feel free to make your own videos and submit them to our board once it's up. Every registered user on the board can contribute, it's what will make it helpful for everybody else looking for answers.
Excellent feature.

You are keeping us excited more and more. Let's see what's next that you pull from your sleeves..

Exactly, it's excellently put together, everything. I am very overwhelmed, even after a few days.
That's just plain awesome. I sat and watched the homepage and saw the timestamps change without me touching anything. It's almost like being on drugs, lol. Good job!
Small touches like these make a big difference and I for one am glad to see every detail has been looked into when designing xenforo :).
In the beginning, dates next to content on the internet were ugly things. We used to see date/time strings like 07-29-2010 16:31 and that would be it.

Then, options were added to allow administrators to specify a date/time format, and you could see output such as 4:31pm, Thursday June 29th 2010.

Later still, it was possible to output times relative to the present, so one could see dates like 3 minutes ago or Yesterday at 6:15pm.

However, these relative dates can be nasty when it comes to anything that is going to cache the page output. If a search engine slurps up the page, its cache is going to forever be wrong, as it will be locked at 3 minutes ago even when the content is weeks old. This can also be a problem for long threads. By the time you reach the bottom of a long page, the posts at the bottom could be several minutes older than when they were loaded into your browser, so their 2 minutes ago output is completely wrong.

XenForo addresses this by always outputting absolute dates and times, but our Javascript then identifies these instances and converts them into relative dates for the viewing user.

The icing on the cake is that all date/time instances automatically update as time goes by. If reply to a thread, your message will be posted and its date and time will be noted as 'A moment ago'. Wait a little while, and it will automatically update to read '1 minute ago' and will continue until it no longer makes sense to display a relative date.

I have yet to grow tired of seeing all the dates in a thread simultaneously update all by themselves :)

So what is the value of the following information underneath my Avatar:
"Joined: Sunday"
"Member since: Sunday"

Still would be better so see the date of when somebody has joined. The day whether it was Monday or Sunday does not give any valueable information.
So what is the value of the following information underneath my Avatar:
"Joined: Sunday"
"Member since: Sunday"

Still would be better so see the date of when somebody has joined. The day whether it was Monday or Sunday does not give any valueable information.

As far as I know, that changes from Sunday to an exact date. Its all relative using JS. Having it be relative shows how veteran a member is.
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