As designed Registration Honeypots


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Affected version
When a bot or a user somehow fills out a honeypot, from what I can tell they should be seeing a error message.

        foreach ($this->honeyPotFields AS $field)
            $value = $request->filter($this->getFieldName($field), 'str');
            if ($value !== '')
                $error = \XF::phrase('some_fields_contained_unexpected_data_try_again');
                return false;

That is out of src/XF/Service/User/RegisterForm.php and from what I see the user should be seeing the error message some_fields_contained_unexpected_data_try_again but they don't, they are just redirected to the registration form.
This is intentional.

At this point we know it isn't a legit user so we essentially short circuit the process and redirect them back to the registration form. This generates an entirely new set of fields and probably adds a layer of confusion potentially.
This is intentional.

At this point we know it isn't a legit user so we essentially short circuit the process and redirect them back to the registration form. This generates an entirely new set of fields and probably adds a layer of confusion potentially.

I’m all down for that, works great. Question is though shouldn’t they be seeing an error according to that code or am I reading it wrong?
That code sets the $error variable, but we decide not to do anything with that, and simply perform a redirection instead.
/** @var \XF\Service\User\RegisterForm $regForm */
$regForm = $this->service('XF:User\RegisterForm', $this->session());
if (!$regForm->isValidRegistrationAttempt($this->request(), $error))
   // they failed something that a legit user shouldn't fail, redirect so the key is different
   return $this->redirect($this->buildLink('register'));
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