GOFORBROKE Member May 21, 2013 #1 I added the Facebook Register. How do I make sure that FB is the only way to register?
Mike XenForo developer Staff member May 21, 2013 #2 There's no way to do that out of the box. Upvote 0 Downvote
Chris D XenForo developer Staff member May 21, 2013 #3 You might want to speak to Mike Edge or xenUnity or whatever he calls himself these days He's done this, he might be able to provide some advice. Upvote 0 Downvote
You might want to speak to Mike Edge or xenUnity or whatever he calls himself these days He's done this, he might be able to provide some advice.
GOFORBROKE Member May 22, 2013 #4 There's no add-on to make this possible? I added a question security that relates to my community to make it much harder to register unless you love that game to death. Hopefully that will stop any SPAM bot. Upvote 0 Downvote
There's no add-on to make this possible? I added a question security that relates to my community to make it much harder to register unless you love that game to death. Hopefully that will stop any SPAM bot.