XF 2.1 Refreshing a dev environment?


Well-known member
My dev was built about a year ago for testing our upgrade to 2.1 and is now getting a bit out of date relative to production. I've tried to make sure most changes get done in both but other admins have added and changed nodes in production without going through dev first. Is there an easy way to sync things up or do I just bite the bullet and rebuild dev with a fresh copy of production? The only things that would be lost would be posts done by testers and a forum I created in dev for testers to report the results of their 2.1 testing so it's no disaster if I have to just start from scratch. My concern is more about minimizing the time and effort required.
Yeah, given that there is no export/import mechanism for XenForo - I just pull down a copy of my production server to my dev machine whenever I need to do a refresh.

Make sure you update config.php:
  1. update database connection
  2. disable email sending ($config['enableMail'] = false)
  3. disable TFA (2FA) ($config['enableTfa'] = false)
  4. disable payments ($config['enableLivePayments'] = false)
  5. turn on development mode ($config['development']['enabled'] = true)
Also check whether there are addons which might use live data or cause updates you don't want to happen on your dev machine and disable those.

Note that I develop my addons on a raw XF2.1 install - I only do final site-specific development and testing work on my dev copy of the production site.
Note that I develop my addons on a raw XF2.1 install - I only do final site-specific development and testing work on my dev copy of the production site.

We don't do any development (too small, no programming expertise), just use off the rack add-ons like Xenporta. The dev site is for testing configuration and styling tweaks and changes moreso than actual development right now. I should probably change the name to uat or something.

And thanks. That is kind of what I thought but just wanted to confirm.
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