Well-known member
I'm running ubuntu server 20.04 on a powerful server (dual proc raid 10 SSD's 512 GB RAM, etc.) I have 6 XF 2.2 sites on this server, none of which are majorly active but steady. I've noticed when going to the site after a period of time or on a different browser, etc. there may be an initial delay of up to 20 seconds before the site shows. It's rare that this happens but it happens often enough to catch my attention and I've had a few users now report the same. I made a few changes, monitored, no improvement, then finally disabled redis cache and also the XON add-in for it and the problem appears to have completely gone away. I read that redis cache is single threaded and wonder if that's the problem, are we waiting for a lock to release or something? Is redis not the preferred option? I'm new to ubuntu server coming from Windows Server 2019. I'd like to have a good cache setup IF it will improve the site but for now it seems disabling redis is a better option and maybe I should consider a different cache or I'm doing something wrong with redis config. Here is my config.php contents for redis.
$config['cache']['enabled'] = false;
$config['cache']['provider'] = 'SV\RedisCache\Redis';
$config['cache']['config'] = array(
'server' => '',
'port' => '6379',
'compress_data' => 6,
'password' => 'removed',
'database' => 5