Redirection Help


Active member
Hi all, I have moved to Xenforo from VBulletin 4 and I am running Nginx and VBulletin was using "Advanced Friendly URL's".

I installed this mod -

And added these re write rules to nginx -

rewrite ^/showthread.php /showthread.php;
rewrite ^/forumdisplay.php /forumdisplay.php;

It seems to nearly work but if you navigate to an old url like this -


You end up here -


The problem is the double forward slash "//" if I remove one of the slashes the redirect works fine.

Does anyone have any ideas how to correct the rewrite rule to only have one slash?

Any ideas appreciated!
Lack of sleep porting from VBulletin to Xenforo is where I lay the blame :)!

But in all honesty I can't as it was such a simple process if I just peeled my eye lids open enough to see what I was doing :)!
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