XF 1.5 Redirect to last page viewed after email confirmation


Active member

When a user clicks on the email confirmation link, is there a way to redirect them to the page they were viewing just before registering?

Currently, they get redirected to the forum home page and they may not be able to find the page they were viewing before registration.

Any help much appreciated :)
There isn't anything like that built in. It's not totally straightforward because when someone comes in from email confirmation, it's very likely to be in a new tab, so we won't necessarily have referrer data like that. (Thus it'd require an add-on to probably store something like this in the session, assuming it gets reused.)
There isn't anything like that built in. It's not totally straightforward because when someone comes in from email confirmation, it's very likely to be in a new tab, so we won't necessarily have referrer data like that. (Thus it'd require an add-on to probably store something like this in the session, assuming it gets reused.)
OK thanks for your reply.
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