[Redactor] Smiley Panel open by default.


Well-known member
The suggestion derived from a comment someone made (sorry I can't remember your name) so thought it was worth posting as a suggestion.

In the admincp have a checkbox/option so admin owners can set whether the smiley panel is open on default rather than having to click the smiley icon in the redactor toolbar. At this time we have to click the icon to enable all smilies to show would be nice to have an option where the smilies are on display as default if the owner of site choose them to be.

Thanks for the consideration.
Upvote 8
Most likely a few hours, but I'd have to see the code really. Clicking on the editor makes an AJAX call to http://xenforo.com/community/index.php?editor/smilies (with a few POST data). That code could most likely be extracted or reused to insert into the editor template to begin with.

However, without seeing 1.2, I'm not 100% certain. A proper assessment would have to occur post-release. (y)
Mike said it needs an Ajax call to trigger it, which could theoretically be done on load.

An alternative could be to trigger it when clicking in the text area, to save it being loaded when it's not going to be used?

My personal preference is as it is currently.
Mike said it needs an Ajax call to trigger it, which could theoretically be done on load.

An alternative could be to trigger it when clicking in the text area, to save it being loaded when it's not going to be used?

My personal preference is as it is currently.

I had thought about that but then i though what if you start off by typing your post (panel opens) you use smiley and then reach to add some code and click on the code button and click back in would the smiley panel close and then open. Not sure how this would work but the text area would be a good choice if it didn't entail the panel opening and then closing if you clicked on buttons to add code etc.

It's no biggie as it functions now (it's a vast improvement as i see it with smilies under the text) but it'll be a bonus to have such an option.
I think Brogan is saying that once you focus on the editor (anywhere) it makes the call and loads the smilies in, but never hides them until you click it closed.
Personally I feel the editor is a little bland at the moment so some colors from the smiley couldn't hurt :D, if a plugin gets made to do it, I'll definitely install (y)
I would like to see a tabbed interface having first tab "history/recently used" and remaining tabs will hold categorized smilies. (as @Mike has given a hint, "possibility for more organization options") History can be stored in users' browser's local storage to avoid Ajax calls. I have seen similar approach in WhatsApp and new Google Hangouts. They use icons to represent tabs. :)

If this approach is taken and if the smiley drawer below the editor is always open then we may get rid of the smiley icon from the main toolbar to save space. :)
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