Recent threads on a Xenforo Page

I tried that using the following code. The code works on an external php page, but throws errors when trying to use it on a page in Xenforo with a callback.

I don't know all that much about php or callbacks.

// get latest x forum posts from xenforo by liamdawe

// edit this to whatever folder your forum is in
$forum_url = '/';

// change to the amount of posts you want displayed
$limit = 10;
$node = 9;
// edit this to the directory your forum is in
$forum_directory = '/home/mysite/public_html';

$startTime = microtime(true);

require($forum_directory. '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($forum_directory . '/library');

GeekPoint_Symfony::initializeXenforo($forum_directory, $startTime);

$nodeModel = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Node');
$nodes = $nodeModel->getViewableNodeList();

$nodes_get = array_keys($nodes);

$node_id_list = implode($nodes_get, ',');

$sql_forum = "SELECT `title`, `thread_id`, `view_count`, `reply_count` FROM `xf_thread` WHERE `node_id` = $node  ORDER BY `last_post_date` DESC LIMIT {$limit}";

$topics_query = XenForo_Application::get('db')->fetchAll($sql_forum);

foreach ($topics_query as $thread)
    // The absolute thread url is constructed for you
    $threadUrl = XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:threads', $thread);

    // Trimmed and properly escaped
    $threadTitle = XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperWordTrim($thread['title'], 50);

    echo "<a href=\"$threadUrl\">$threadTitle</a><br />
<br />";
I tried that using the following code. The code works on an external php page, but throws errors when trying to use it on a page in Xenforo with a callback.

I don't know all that much about php or callbacks.

// get latest x forum posts from xenforo by liamdawe

// edit this to whatever folder your forum is in
$forum_url = '/';

// change to the amount of posts you want displayed
$limit = 10;
$node = 9;
// edit this to the directory your forum is in
$forum_directory = '/home/mysite/public_html';

$startTime = microtime(true);

require($forum_directory. '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($forum_directory . '/library');

GeekPoint_Symfony::initializeXenforo($forum_directory, $startTime);

$nodeModel = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Node');
$nodes = $nodeModel->getViewableNodeList();

$nodes_get = array_keys($nodes);

$node_id_list = implode($nodes_get, ',');

$sql_forum = "SELECT `title`, `thread_id`, `view_count`, `reply_count` FROM `xf_thread` WHERE `node_id` = $node  ORDER BY `last_post_date` DESC LIMIT {$limit}";

$topics_query = XenForo_Application::get('db')->fetchAll($sql_forum);

foreach ($topics_query as $thread)
    // The absolute thread url is constructed for you
    $threadUrl = XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:threads', $thread);

    // Trimmed and properly escaped
    $threadTitle = XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperWordTrim($thread['title'], 50);

    echo "<a href=\"$threadUrl\">$threadTitle</a><br />
<br />";
callBack you must use static function.
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