XF 2.3 Displaying top threads on custom forum page node


Active member

I’m working on a custom landing page and could use some help. I have Jaxel's Portal set up and working fine for my main landing page. Now, I’m trying to create another page that displays the top 5 threads from a specific forum category using the forum page node with custom HTML.

I’ve tried using PHP callbacks and widgets but keep running into issues. Specifically, I want to know:

  1. How to display the 5 most recent threads from a specific forum category.
  2. Is there an easy way to incorporate widgets into a page node with custom HTML? Some of those elements have things I would like to use.
Any guidance or detailed steps would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I just wanted to say that after some digging and some help from @Russ I was able to implement this quite easily.

For anyone who might be looking to do something like this.

You just need to go to widgets and add a new widget and then select what you are trying to accomplish so for me I selected "New Threads" For the Widget definition .

Selected the forum I wanted to pull from the and count of how many I wanted to display and then based the name of the widget key I used this code
        <div class="bug-reports">
            <xf:widget key="custom_page__bugs" />

And placed it into the custom html portion on the page node.
I just wanted to say that after some digging and some help from @Russ I was able to implement this quite easily.

For anyone who might be looking to do something like this.

You just need to go to widgets and add a new widget and then select what you are trying to accomplish so for me I selected "New Threads" For the Widget definition .

Selected the forum I wanted to pull from the and count of how many I wanted to display and then based the name of the widget key I used this code
        <div class="bug-reports">
            <xf:widget key="custom_page__bugs" />

And placed it into the custom html portion on the page node.
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