Not planned Recent Activity / 2 Links pointing to same page


Well-known member
In "Recent Activity" there are 2 Links which forward to the same page.

Make the first Link-item being linked to the Membercard of the person, instead of having both Links pointing to the same Thread/Resource.


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In anticipation of the next post...

The text is "Shelley's resource" and "Spinny Node Icons (Purple)".

The logical link for both of those is the resource, not the author's member card, which would be inconsistent with how all other links work.
this Suggestion is not neccessarily related to the RM, but related to all Links within "Recent Activity".
2 Links pointing to the same URL is "double dipping".

Anyway, you are quite quick with your "No Thanks Prefix", which does not allow for further Community-discussions and therefore developing of brainstorming with other members.....

As I have already stated, the link text accurately describes the link.

Having "Mike's post" link to his member card would be inaccurate and inconsistent.
If you "unlink" the word "post", then it would be a very logical thing to link to Mike's Membercard.


RoldanLT liked Mike's post in the thread Сompare Version not working properly.


If you say this suggestion is "inconsistent", then I could also say it is currently "inconsistent" as the word "post" is linked, but the word "thread" is not linked.

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