I am updating member groups outside of XF and the problem is that I need to rebuild the user caches to make things work. If I upgrade the user group and, for example, allow group 1 not to vote on polls but want to allow group 2 to vote in polls, then group 2 cannot vote until the user caches are updated.
Group 1 cannot vote on polls by default
My external script changes the group id in my mysql database to Group 2 which is allowed to vote on polls.
However, after the group id has changed, it still shows the old user title and the user is still not able to vote until I run the rebuild user caches feature from the admin cp.
Is there any trick to make it so a cronjob or something else updates the user caches every hour or so?
Group 1 cannot vote on polls by default
My external script changes the group id in my mysql database to Group 2 which is allowed to vote on polls.
However, after the group id has changed, it still shows the old user title and the user is still not able to vote until I run the rebuild user caches feature from the admin cp.
Is there any trick to make it so a cronjob or something else updates the user caches every hour or so?