XF 1.2 Rebuild Thread Information


Well-known member
I deleted a thread from our Recycle Bin forum, which didn't count posts, but it did after we migrated, so I lost a huge chunk of posts (1,041 > 745). So I went around and set the forums that didn't need to count posts, such as the Spam Sector, accordingly, and ran Rebuild Thread Information with Rebuild position and post counters checked, but my message count is staying the same.
You and the site owner are still in breach of the license terms.
You are still running more sites than you own licenses for, despite assurance last night that it would be rectified.

Once you comply with the license terms you can obtain support.
This has been resolved.

I found out that "Rebuild position and post counters" only has to do with counters on the discussion list. There is currently no tool to re-calculate your message count, but there is a resource available for that.
This has been resolved.

I found out that "Rebuild position and post counters" only has to do with counters on the discussion list. There is currently no tool to re-calculate your message count, but there is a resource available for that.
Hi, what is that resource?
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