Read/unread icons instead of user avatars in thread list

Jon Snow


I've just bought a license for Xenforo after running vBulletin for the last 5 years or so. Overall, I am very impressed with Xenforo an it's capabilities and my plan is to move my community from vB to Xenforo later this year.

There is however one feature that I don't like: The use of user avatars in the thread list.

Is there any way to disable this feature and use "Read/unread" status icons instead?

I'm thinking of traditional thread list icons such as these:

The avatars don't mark thread status, they mark if you've posted in a thread. If you'd like to replace them with different icons, you can do so via CSS/Template Edits.
Is that what you want? Or do you still want to replace the avatars?

The avatars don't mark thread status, they mark if you've posted in a thread. If you'd like to replace them with different icons, you can do so via CSS/Template Edits.

I would ideally like to see the avatars replaced with traditional thread list read/unread status icons and the small indicators disabled.

Any pointers on how I might be able to do this or if it's possible?
I think you can use {$thread.isNew} to check if threads have new posts.

So: remove the user avatar, remove the mini-avatar, replace with something like:
<xen:if is="{$thread.isNew}">
<img src="path/to/unread/icon" />
<xen:else />
<img src="path/to/read/icon" />

All in the thread_list_item template.
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