XF 2.1 Global (Separate) Read/Unread Icons

Hey folks,

Wasn't able to find other posts about this... closest was this, but it's not quite right.

We're porting a forum over from phpBB to xenForo. In phpBB, we're able to have two different icons next to a forum:

  • A read/unread/sticky/popular/locked icon. This icon is global. Whatever the read/unread/etc. status is for the forum, that's the icon that appears.

  • A descriptive icon unique to the forum. This is the icon you can easily edit in EXTRA.css in xenForo, as we have in other xenForo installations.

Here's an example of what both the global read/unread and unique forum icons look like in phpBB:


And an example legend for some of the global read/unread icons:


How would we code up global read/unread/popular/sticky/locked status icons, separate from the unique forum icons, in xenForo?

Is there an existing plugin for this I don't know about? Or would we need to code one up? Or is this something we can do via EXTRA.css?

Appreciate any help (or pointers).

Anyone know how to build this or set it up in xenForo?

xenForo Support was not terribly helpful... saying only "You would need to post this on the forums as ticket support does not cover customization."

Any thoughts or ideas?
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