XF 2.2 "Read receipt" on conversations?


One of my members organizes complicated social events for members. Often he has to make sure others have seen an important bit of information from him. He does this with conversations, but is frustrated that he cannot tell if someone has opened his message. He has asked if a conversation could have a flag against it to show him who has opened his message - a bit like a 'read receipt' on email.

Does anyone know if this can be achieved?

An other step would be that sometimes he starts a conversation with a group, so I guess he would need to know for each person in the group whether or not they had opened the message. Not sure if that would be possible.
An addon:

It's also been suggested if you want to upvote and see it in core xenForo:

Many thanks for your help. Have downloaded the first add-on, which looks like the ideal solution. When i try to install it, this warning pops up:

To prevent potential issues, please resolve the following warnings before continuing:
  • Debug mode is enabled therefore any changes to the master version of this add-on's data will be overwritten

Is it safe to proceed? Thanks for any advice.
Thanks once again M@rc. I confess didn't know my forum was in debug mode - had a developer tweak something a while back so presume it was accidentally left like that. I have just sorted that and installed the add-on.
Actually... what would be MOST beneficial is a social groups add-on that also has a public capable calendar with RSVP capability as a 1st party add-on. But wish in one hand, poop in the other and see which carries more weight. A social groups add-on has been requested for over a decade... and it MIGHT be a demi-decade before we get a hint of yes or no.
I LOVE this idea and truly believe a part of sending/starting a conversation with a forum user should come with the option to tick "Request a read receipt." This reminds me of the BBS days and was a common part of communicating with others. I do not, personally, fall into the idea of 'member's privacy' when having the system alert the author that the recipient has read their message. I think that argument is getting a little too deep for a forum. At best, it should be the site owner's option if they ALLOW or enable read receipts or not, but I do not believe the user should have a way to avoid them.

Everyone has an email or several emails, if they do not like the messaging capabilities on the forum they can easily send the user an email from their own account(s).

The add-on which adds a checkmark next to a participant's name when the message is read is nice, but it would be MUCH nicer to get an alert when a conversation has been read. Heck, this could be added to one of the add-ons already in existence.

My two and one half cents. ;)🫶
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